Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
There she is waving to us....followed by another dorothy.
Mrs. Earls afternoon kindergarten class.
The girls with Papa Craig and Grandma Cori right before Trick-or-Treating.
Grandma Debbie and Uncle Shane brought over a special treat.
I talked them into pausing for a quick picture between houses.
All done! Time to head home and get dried off!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
After opening presents, we played some games and had cake and ice cream. My dad helped bake the cake and my mom helped decorate....cute, huh? (and easy, too).
I am so lucky to have such a sweet little girl to call my own. Here are some of the things that I love about her:
She does silly things to make Aubrey laugh when she gets hurt.
She is kind and loving to her friends. The other day she told me that "it is ok to laugh when someone makes a mistake ONLY if they are laughing too...otherwise it is NOT ok because it will make them feel bad."
She is fun to be around--Her giggle is so genuine and infectious.
She sleeps in until 9:00am!!!
She loves to learn. Today she came home from school with her new homework folder for the week and she sat right down to the kitchen table and got to work on it!
She includes her little sister in playtime with her friends. Aubrey gets to be the little sister when they play house.
She loves to sing and she has an adorable little voice. Here's a video of her singing I Am a Child of God when she was barely 2 years old:
We are so lucky to have her! Has anyone figured out how to make time stand still?? Because I'm afraid she is going to grow up in the blink of an eye. It's already happening too fast. I love you Mikayla!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
In June, we went with the Wheat's to a carnival at the park by their house. We saw lots of interesting workers (it may be a job requirement to be missing at least 4 teeth) and got tons of cute pictures of the kids.
The 4th of July was a lot of fun, too. Kale & I took the girls to a parade--and we did fireworks that night.
(Poor Aubrey had a run-in with my bed frame & got a nice shiner.)
What would summer be without a few trips to the Thanksgiving Point Farm & Gardens? As usual, the pony ride was the most exciting part for the kids.
Last, but not least, I took the girls to the zoo with my grandparents, aunts, cousins---& their kids. We really should go there more often--it was a lot of fun. Below is a picture of Mikayla with my cousin, Kylie. She was such an amazing help with my girls. Too bad she lives so far away--or I'd hire her every weekend!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Family Vacation
Just arriving at Disneyland
I love my mom!
Roasting marshmellows----Yum!
Mikayla loved playing in the water
The best part of the trip was Disneyland. The weather couldn't have been nicer and the park wasn't very crowded either! Click below to see some pictures from that day.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mother's Day
McKenzey, Savannah, Mikayla, Bo, Hyrum, Addie, Abbie
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Surgery Day
By the way--Thanks to everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement (I'm a baby, I know).