Friday, May 22, 2009

I Heart Spring!!

It feels sooo good to spend time outside everyday--Here's what we've been up to lately:
Thanksgiving Point :) We just got a membership for the year and I'm loving it! The gardens are so beautiful and relaxing...and the kids both burn off a lot of energy. Hey--anyone else out there with a membership?? Let's go together...

Mikayla had her dance recital a couple weeks ago, and she did such a great job. I wish I had better video, but this is all I got with my little camera. She is in the back row and is the first to stand up:

We're so proud of you, Mikayla. Great job!
(Mikayla with her best friend, Paige)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Playing Catch-up

I just realized that in all the chaos, I never posted any pictures of Easter. Kale was in bad shape this day, so he didn't get to join in for the easter egg hunt, but the kids had such a great time with Uncle Shane, Aunt Shea, Bryce and Brittnie...and of course, Mom and Grandma. Pictures of the girls in their Easter best are to the right.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Kale has been home for a week now and seems to be progressing normally. He had his staples taken out on Monday and he has a nice long scar (about 7 or 8 inches) down his lower back. He is following doctor's orders and staying in bed much of the day...only getting up for 20 minutes at a time. It's making both of us a little bit bonkers, but it's for the best. We have high hopes for a full recovery and years of no more back pain!
That's all for now. I took the girls to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point tonight, so I'll post pictures of that later. It was so much fun!