Yeah! I can get out of my driveway!
Here's what else is new in the Mount household:
Mikayla is learning how to read in preschool and she is VERY excited about it. One of her favorite things to do is play outside in the backyard where we have a huge pile of dirt (that is now covered in snow, of course) and sled down it...backwards. The kid has no fear....until she gets hurt.
Aubrey is crawling all over the place and she doesn't want anything to do with baby food anymore. She only wants to eat what the rest of us are eating (cheese is currently her favorite food next to ice cream). The most exciting thing is that she has started signing and talking. She can sign "milk" and "more" and she says "hi" everytime she waves (which is whenever anyone walks into the room). She also says "dad" and she points at everything and say's "what's that" (although it sounds more like "uh-dat"). Not bad for a 10 month old :)
Kale is travelling a lot right now. Boston last weekend, Las Vegas this weekend, and a few days in Chicago before the month is over. We really miss him when he's gone--but we get to talk to him whenever we want, and we appreciate how hard he works to provide such a wonderful life for us.
I am back in school 2 day's a week. Someday I'll finish. Someday. For now, the time away from being Mom is actually quite relaxing. Getting papers written and presentations prepared while taking care of kids during the day is another story....
I'll have some new pictures to post as soon as I can get them off my camera. I seem to be having some technical difficulties....
Enjoyed the update! :) Sorry about the snow. I shoveled our driveway once when we were first married because I was scared of the snowblower, and will never do that again. There's a reason people have heart attacks and die while doing that.
Glad you got un-buried okay. :)
Thanks for the update. Im afraid I have not been good at updating my blog and probably wont for a while. Hopefully I will be more in the mood when I move and I have new things to talk about:)
Hey Holly! I'm with you on this lovely snow. Luckily I was in California for the worst part of it that weekend. And luckily I have nice guys who "enjoy" shoveling my driveway, so I don't have to worry about it. Where are you living now? I got trapped last night in the lovely blizzard and the road out to Eagle Mountain was closed so it took me about 7 1/2 hours to get home last night. We should get together sometime for lunch or something. Talk to you later!
Alicia Wilkins (Morse)
Holly, I tagged you so when you get a chance go check out my blog for the instructions. :)
Goodness, don't you just want to jump in the car and drive a few hours to California and make camp?!?! It's so cold!! Yay for great neighbors though!
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