Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In other news...

Mikayla lost her top 2 teeth last week! She was happy to have the toothfairy visit twice, though. My little girl is growing up...


Carolee said...

Brooklyn really wants to lose her teeth and she keeps telling me they are loose, they arent really but I humor her.

Glad you and Kale had a get away but they tornado sounds kind of scary. Glad you are home safe.

Mrs. R said...

Okay, that picture is just adorable.

Jeff and Kandis said...

I remember those days! She looks so cute!

Krista Kneeland said...

Oh thanks for commenting on my blog. Good to hear from you and its fun to see your kids. And thanks for liking that picture it cracked me up to. Krista

Kasi French said...

Adorable! If she has is anything like her Aunt they'll just keep coming and meals will have to be modified because she has nothing to chew with!