Monday, May 4, 2009

Playing Catch-up

I just realized that in all the chaos, I never posted any pictures of Easter. Kale was in bad shape this day, so he didn't get to join in for the easter egg hunt, but the kids had such a great time with Uncle Shane, Aunt Shea, Bryce and Brittnie...and of course, Mom and Grandma. Pictures of the girls in their Easter best are to the right.


Jeff and Kandis said...

I love the dresses! Mikayla looks like Snow White, all you are missing are some crazy boys looking for eggs. ( I have some!)

Maughan"sters" said...

Your girls look so cute in their dresses. I love Aubrey's big flower! We should get together and make more someday when your life settles down :)

Wheat Family said...

The girls look adorable!

Caroline Haring said...

Glad your hubby is recovering and you're feeling better. You and your babies look great in your Easter photos!