I had my camera in my purse so I had to whip it out when Aubrey sent me a panicked-but-trying-not-to-show-it look when a BOY started cutting her hair and then blowdrying it. What!?
Monday, December 14, 2009
Ready for a little change
Well, it was time to take the girls to get a haircut (No, Dad--we didn't just cut one hair--we cut all of them).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Getting off the freeway on our way home from Salt Lake the other day, Aubrey says "Hey, there's a plane over there!".

"Where, Aubrey?"
"Over there--on the ground".
"Oh--OK sweetie...whatever you say".
That night I saw this story on the news:

Guess I'll take her more seriously next time.
Friday, November 27, 2009
After much consideration (and a not-so-subtle poll of my friends) I decided that Mikayla's earings were not quite even. SUCH a bummer. So, today I took her back to the mall to have one ear re-done--But we couldn't go alone! Paige and Emily both came with us to help distract her (and eat ice cream, of course). Because the line was short, we stopped to say hello to Santa on our way out. Aren't they cute? People kept thinking they were sisters. Be grateful you weren't in the car with us on the way home, though. I couldn't hear myself think over all the giggling :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My little troublemaker
Aubrey and I have been having a lot of time alone together now that Mikayla is in school all day. It's been really nice to sit and play just the two of us--and she definately keeps me entertained with her funny little jabber (I'm lucky to get a word in edgewise).

Yes, I sure do love my Aubrey-girl, but lately she has been giving me a run for my money. Here's the proof:

Nice. But she wasn't done yet. I cleaned her up and sent her out of the kitchen so I could clean up the floor, so she decided to head upstairs and...

get out every game she could reach. Honestly, this wouldn't be so bad if she would then play with them for more than 5 minutes.
Then, not too long ago, she decided to mix the powdered sugar with the flour. Not sure what she was trying to make, but here's the lovely result:

At least she tried to sweep it up before I found her :)
Thanks for keeping me on my toes, Aubrey!

Yes, I sure do love my Aubrey-girl, but lately she has been giving me a run for my money. Here's the proof:
Nice. But she wasn't done yet. I cleaned her up and sent her out of the kitchen so I could clean up the floor, so she decided to head upstairs and...
get out every game she could reach. Honestly, this wouldn't be so bad if she would then play with them for more than 5 minutes.
Then, not too long ago, she decided to mix the powdered sugar with the flour. Not sure what she was trying to make, but here's the lovely result:
At least she tried to sweep it up before I found her :)
Thanks for keeping me on my toes, Aubrey!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My little first grader
I've been neglecting my blog this summer, but this is too big a moment to ignore. Mikayla was so very excited to start school and here she is on her first day:

I felt a little emotional leaving my daughter in the care of another for the whole day, but it was Aubrey who cried on the way home! Those two are such good friends (most of the time).
Our summer was pretty layed back. We spent a lot of time in the backyard doing the usual: swimming pool, sprinklers, trampoline...and playing with all the neighborhood kids.

But we also took a lot of day trips--and spent nearly every Monday night at The Gardens!

(This was taken the evening of "Christmas is July" at Thanksgiving Point. Mikayla was happy to get cozy with Santa, but Aubrey had a tight grip on me and wouldn't even look at him).
This year she has the greatest teacher--Mrs. Johnson. I am so impressed with her...and the best part?? She doesn't believe in giving 1st graders homework! Just daily reading :) Aubrey and I took her to school for the first day (it's a long story), and it was a challenge for me to get a picture with just Mikayla. Aubrey wanted to be a part of every one. You can see her little elbow in the picture above, 'cause she thought she was in that one too! Here they are together:
I felt a little emotional leaving my daughter in the care of another for the whole day, but it was Aubrey who cried on the way home! Those two are such good friends (most of the time).
Our summer was pretty layed back. We spent a lot of time in the backyard doing the usual: swimming pool, sprinklers, trampoline...and playing with all the neighborhood kids.
But we also took a lot of day trips--and spent nearly every Monday night at The Gardens!
(This was taken the evening of "Christmas is July" at Thanksgiving Point. Mikayla was happy to get cozy with Santa, but Aubrey had a tight grip on me and wouldn't even look at him).
OK, let me explain this clip below. I took the girls to yet another activity at The Gardens--This one was a giant slip-n-slide. The video I have of Mikayla is long and boring--but this guy (that I do not know) gave everyone a great show:
Such a great summer--
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The things we do for our kids...
Last night we went to the Thanksgiving Point annual summer jello fight. Mikayla has been looking forward to it since school got out, so we packed some sandwiches and headed off. I had no idea what to expect and as it turns out, we were very unprepared. It was one of the funniest/strangest things I have ever seen: Boys and girls, men and women all digging into buckets of jello and throwing it at eachother. It was hilarious! Mikayla and Aubrey were a bit timid, but they got in there and got a little messy:

Aubrey decided that she did not like it, after all. You can't really hear her, but she's crying "No like it!!" and I am backing up from her to keep her from putting her sticky little hands on me :)
The best part is that afterwards, they turn on the sprinklers and everyone runs around and rinses off. Too funny.
I, of course, stayed a safe distance from all the craziness and just used the zoom on my camera. Wouldn't you?
Friday, May 22, 2009
I Heart Spring!!
It feels sooo good to spend time outside everyday--Here's what we've been up to lately:
Thanksgiving Point :) We just got a membership for the year and I'm loving it! The gardens are so beautiful and relaxing...and the kids both burn off a lot of energy. Hey--anyone else out there with a membership?? Let's go together...
Mikayla had her dance recital a couple weeks ago, and she did such a great job. I wish I had better video, but this is all I got with my little camera. She is in the back row and is the first to stand up:
We're so proud of you, Mikayla. Great job!
(Mikayla with her best friend, Paige)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Playing Catch-up
I just realized that in all the chaos, I never posted any pictures of Easter. Kale was in bad shape this day, so he didn't get to join in for the easter egg hunt, but the kids had such a great time with Uncle Shane, Aunt Shea, Bryce and Brittnie...and of course, Mom and Grandma. Pictures of the girls in their Easter best are to the right.

Friday, May 1, 2009
Kale has been home for a week now and seems to be progressing normally. He had his staples taken out on Monday and he has a nice long scar (about 7 or 8 inches) down his lower back. He is following doctor's orders and staying in bed much of the day...only getting up for 20 minutes at a time. It's making both of us a little bit bonkers, but it's for the best. We have high hopes for a full recovery and years of no more back pain!
That's all for now. I took the girls to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point tonight, so I'll post pictures of that later. It was so much fun!
That's all for now. I took the girls to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point tonight, so I'll post pictures of that later. It was so much fun!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Surgery Today

Kale was taken to the hospital due to, among other things, severe leg pain and numbness. He was admitted on Wednesday night and as of this morning is scheduled for a spinal fusion later this afternoon. He is feeling well at the moment, but I am so anxious about the whole thing. We feel very blessed that Kale has been diagnosed and is being operated on by the best Neurosurgeon in Utah. Everyone we talk to says there's no one better than Dr. Reichman. I'll post an update as soon as I can.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My sweet Aubrey
Just over two years ago, our family was blessed with a new little baby girl. Yesterday we celebrated-- Tinkerbell style.

Her birthday was on Thursday, but the party was scheduled for Saturday so that we could celebrate with family. She knew she was having a party soon, so she was VERY excited when I got her up from her nap and took her downstairs where I had spent the last 1 1/2 hours decorating and frosting cupcakes--"Aubrey party, Aubrey party". She even took the time to take a bunch of pictures for her mom. Isn't that nice of her?
This little girl brings such joy to our family. You know--the kind of joy that feels your heart so full you think it may burst. Here are some of the little things I adore about her:
1. She is my good little helper. She's always the first to respond when I say it's time to clean up. The other day, she and I were playing Polly Pocket before naptime. When I decided it was time for bed, I picked her up and started walking out of the room. She surprised me when she said, "Mommy. Clean up."
2. She is very tender and loving. She has genuine concern for others when they are sad or hurt.
3. She says the funniest things. The other day I was changing her diaper and she looks at me and says, "Have mercy". WHAT? I laughed so hard. I guess she's picking up a few one-liners from watching Full House. (You know---Uncle Jessie).
4. She adores her whole family...especially her big sister. Watching the two of them together is good for my heart.
5. She always wakes up happy and smiling. Whether it's in the morning or after nap, she smiles and says, "good morning!".
6. She just makes me smile.
7. Her giggle is infectious.
8. She loves to cuddle. When she gives hugs, she always rubs and pats my back.
I love you my sweet Aubrey-bug! I'm so glad Heavenly Father sent you to our family--
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